Nata exam 2025 pattern released

Major changes done are as follows 
1) Syllabus changed ( 120 marks - online aptitude exam and 80 Marks - Drawing )
2) Question Paper Pattern changed .

Part - A 
Drawing 80 Marks  ( 90 min) 
3 questions.
A1 - 25 Marks 
A2 - 25 Marks
A3 - 30 Marks 

Part - B
Aptitude 120 Marks. ( 90 Min )
B1 - 30 x 2 marks = 60 Marks
B2 - 15 x 4 marks = 60 Marks\

3) Exam dates - To be conducted on every weekends Friday evening batch and Saturday Morning  and Evening batch between March 2025 to June 2025

4) Exam Attempts : A candidate may take maximum of 3 attempts and the highest score among the 3 attempts would be considered as the valid score .

5) Pass Mark: 70 marks with mimimum score of 20 marks in part -A drawing and minimum score of 30 marks in Part - B 

6) Score validity : 02 Years

